BYU - Natives Engaged in Alzheimer's Research

Request Data

To request access to data/tissue available from the NEAR Biospecimen Repository, please complete the following information regarding your proposed research. All requests will be reviewed by the NEAR Governance Board. The Board will prioritize tissue use for studies that
  • 1) directly benefit AI/ANs and NHPIs,
  • 2) hold promise to reduce an ADRD-related health disparity,
  • 3) are conducted by AI/ANs or NHPIs, or are requested by participating community partners, especially if tissue becomes scarce in the future.
All ancillary studies or data requests are expected to address an observable and crucial gap in our knowledge of ADRD among AI/ANs and NHPIs. All repository data will be tracked and monitored when access has been given to investigators who have received data or tissue; all excess tissue will be returned to the Core once assays are complete unless otherwise approved. If data are generated from repository tissue (e.g., genome sequences) the data are expected to be returned to the repository and may not be shared. Any requests for data/tissue are open for three years. After the three-year period no research products (e.g., manuscripts or presentations) may be submitted for approval.

Request Form

Requester's Information
Request Details
Study Details
Current Funding For Proposed Project
IRB Approval
Detail your plan for data/tissue storage and protection
Confidentiality Agreement

NEAR is a National Institute on Aging-funded project, which seeks to expand treatment and research on Alzheimer's disease and dementia in American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups.

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